
A blog where I talk about stuff...Yup. If you're going to take me seriously on what I say, don't.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Soooo… my computer has all of a sudden decided that my Internet Explorer instantaneously got 25 freaking viruses and now it won't let me on teh intehwebs.  So that's why I'm typing this post on my phone The iron pills have really given me a lot more energy (great, exactly what a kid with ADHD needs).  I'm drinking lots of OJ, but no caffeine :(  YAAAAAYYY!  The first emoticon on this blog (cause God knows I love the f***ing things).  I like bacon.  Do you like bacon?  I would make a poll question about it if I had my f***ing Internet back!  I can't even look up my homework online.  Speaking of school, I launched my bottle rocket today!  It went 47 meters high and stayed in the air approximately 4.36 seconds. EPIC FAIL!  I don't like losing.  Losing is not fun.  Even when I'm playing Pokemon, I will throw my handheld device across the room when I lose a battle.  My favorite video game right now is Blops.  That word sounds like some kind of sex position of something.  Well, this has been a productive post.  All the way from the Internet to sex.  That's my brain for ya.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm Anemic

Soooo... I found out today that I'm anemic.  Yup, that's why I'm so tired all the time.  That's why I always sleep in class.   bnhg gvhsk dbbn, dvvb  Sorry, a little tired right now.  I wonder why?  So I have to take Iron supplements twice a day.  I am one messed up child.  I have ADD and ADHD, which, left alone, would mean I would have loads of energy.  I have now discovered that I am slightly anemic, which is why I am either bouncing off the walls, or can't keep my eyes open.  How out of whack can one person be?  OHH!  I get to launch my homemade bottle rocket either tomorrow or Tuesday for school!  AWESOME!  Mine is gonna go so high, it's gonna give Houston a problem.  I'm gonna put a little army dude in it with a parachute, and he's gonna come down and threaten to kill my teacher if he doesn't give me a good grade.  Soooo... I need to find an official Small Pockets outro.  Ah yeah, SP FTW.